Ryan Chamberland – Owner / Shihan
Before becoming a business owner, Ryan spent time in the Sheriffs Department & Real Estate.
Shihan Ryan Chamberland has been studying in the martial arts for 35 years. He has trained in a wide range of systems like: Kosho Ryu Kempo, Shaolin Five Animal Kung Fu, Jiu Jutsu, Daito Ryu, & Escrima.
Shihan teaches all over the continent & has been proudly serving Winthrop since 1998 & Augusta since 2011.
River Coron – Winthrop Manager / Sensei
Sensei River Coron has been training in Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo since 2006.
Member of the Leadership Team from 2011-2019. Chief Instructor of Youth Martial Arts since 2019. As of 2021, holds Third Degree Black Belt in the Kosho Ryu Kempo system.
Employee from 2016 to 2022, became a Facility Manager in 2022.
Under Shihan Ryan he is also studying Majapahit Escrima & is currently teaching Beginners Escrima in our dojo.

Chip Sager – Augusta Manager / Trainer
Chip Sager retired from active duty in the Navy after 24 years of service and continued working for the next ten years in the Navy as a Survival Instructor & Command Fitness Leader/Coordinator.
Chip is a Certified Personal Trainer of over 30 years, has been an employee since 2019 & became a Manager in 2022.
Alyssa Griffin – Program Director
In October of 2023 she became the Program Director for the Kids!

Dylan Lajoie – Front Desk Associate / Trainer
Dylan began working out consistently in 2019 & after becoming a Manager for Walmart Distribution, he found a passion for Group Fitness & Personal Training so Dylan became an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer in 2023. Teaching classes, building routines & personal training in Southern Maine, Dylan now brings his talents to the United Fitness Fam in the Augusta facility!
Ian Sheehy – Front Desk Associate / Coach / Sensei
Sensei Ian Sheehy has been training since 2009 & is currently a 3rd Degree Black Belt in the Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo system.
He currently teaches the Youth Martial Arts classes & has been a member of our Leadership Team since 2017!
In 2020 Ian began working our After School & Summer Camp Programs as a coach. Shortly after he began working the Front Desk. Sensei Ian is also one of the coaches for our Kosho Warriors competition team.

Angela Robinson – Front Desk Associate / Trainer
Ang has been a dedicated member of United Fitness since before Social Media. While working full time, Angela earned her certifications in Personal Fitness Training & Primary Group Exercise with AFAA in 2017. She now also holds her NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist certification, as well as a NASM Conditioning Programming Certification.
You can find Ang most mornings & evening leading a class in the Winthrop Facility!
Liberty Wells – Front Desk Associate / Coach / Sensei
Sensei “Libby” began studying Martial Arts over 10 years ago, competing in our competition teams, teaching on the Leadership team & eventually earning her Yudansha in 2021. In her time here at United Fitness, Libby has become the Head of the Competition Teams, worked Kids Programs, earned her 3rd Degree Black, won Multiple Grand Champs & is currently attending College. She shows all of her students what it is to be a leader!

Laura James - Front Desk Associate / Trainer
Laura has been training in Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo for 8 years, currently a Brown Belt.
While training & working a full time job, Laura obtained her NCSF Certification in Personal Training & Sport Nutrition. Shortly after she approached us to begin teaching classes! Since late 2023, Laura has been leading a good chunk of the Augusta Programs.
You’ll find her at many of the classes United Fitness has to offer in both locations. Thinking about joining one of our classes? Join Laura any time!
Colin Chamberland - Front Desk Associate / Coach / Sensei
Colin has been studying Martial Arts for over 10 years already, obtaining Yudansha in Kosho Ryu Kempo & ranking in Daito Ryu Aikijutsu. He has been a member of the Leadership Team for 5 years, obtaining his Sensei title over a year ago & now leading his own classes. Following his father's footsteps, Colin has also taken interest in fitness, looking to attend school to become a PT.
2 years ago Colin also began working in the Kids Programs & Front Desk helping the Fitness Fam in every way!

Ashley Chicoine - Coach / Trainer
Beginning in Spring of 2024 in our After School Kids Programs, Ashley quickly sprouted interest in becoming a personal trainer as well. Becoming certified & expanding hours to work at the desk, Coach Ashley has been a bright addition to the Fitness Fam!