Functional Fitness classes for older folks offered by United Fitness are terrific.

Never boring, always changing and challenging, the exercises are designed to build and maintain the strength and balance needed for everyday activities.

We feel very fortunate to have this resource available to us.

Sue & Mick H., Winthrop Gym

 I am a 75 year old male and this fitness class is a “lifesaver”.  I was diagnosed with cancer two years ago and had pretty much decided that this was the end.  After receiving treatment for cancer and being diagnosed in remission, I decided to try a fitness class.  I expected cardio exercises and was pleasantly surprised when the instructors had us do weight training , stretching and cardio.  It was great as I developed muscle that I thought was gone forever, I developed confidence in many parts not my life as a result.  The instructors were very knowledgeable of how to introduce the various exercises and often explained which areas of the body were being developed.  This class is excellent for all ages, but especially for seniors as the classes are just right and the instructors are excellent at changing the workouts and equipment used so as not to get bored.  Great class.  Recommend it to anyone if you can get in.  We are picky! Ha

Ed B., Winthrop Gym

I’ve been a member of United Fitness since 2012. I LOVE Kickboxing class & Sunday am boot camp class!  These classes are my therapy, exercise is how I manage stress.

Shelly M., Winthrop Gym

I can’t say enough about my United Fitness family.  I’ve been going there for over 15 years (I’ve lost track) and  was hooked from the very first kickboxing class I attended.  It’s a place where I decompress, deal with stress and stay fit. I’ve made many wonderful friends over the years and couldn’t imagine life without United Fitness and yes I still go to Kickboxing regularly!

Bren K., Winthrop Gym

I’ve been a member of United Fitness for the past two years. What I love most about United fitness is the boot camp class. The morning timeframe is so convenient for my work schedule, I can get there and get a great work out in first thing and feel so great the rest of the day! I love that the focus is on strength training and you use a combination of kettlebells, dumbbells, body weight and barbell. I’ve been a member of other gyms in the past and have never found a class like this one!

Mandi H., Winthrop Gym




Cardio Kickboxing   Monday @ 6:15pm Gym Challenge Class   Monday @ 6:30am, 5pm, & 6pm
Boot Camp   Tuesday @ 5:45am SPIN (CYCLING)   Monday @ 7pm
Older Adult Functional Fitness   Tuesday @ 9am Older Adult Functional Fitness   Tuesday @ 11am
Boot Camp   Wednesday @ 5:45am Suspension   Tuesday @ 5pm
Cardio Kickboxing    Wednesday @ 6:15pm Core at 4    Wednesday @ 4pm
Boot Camp   Thursday @ 5:45am Gym Challenge Class   Wednesday @ 6:30am, 5pm, & 6pm
Older Adult Functional Fitness   Thursday @ 9am SPIN (CYCLING)   Wednesday @ 7pm
Suspension   Thursday @ 6pm Older Adult Functional Fitness   Thursday @ 11am
Boot Camp   Friday @ 5:45am Gym Challenge Class   Thursday @ 5pm & 6pm

Cardio Kickboxing   Saturday @ 7am

Gym Challenge Class   Friday @ 6:30am
Boot Camp   Sunday @ 8am SPIN (CYCLING) Saturday @ 9am

Cardio Kickboxing:                                                                                               Our signature martial arts inspired cardio group fitness class! We use strike and kick combinations with heavy bags to improve cardiovascular fitness, balance and flexibility. This class is a perfect start, or addition to your cardio program.

Boot Camp: Our strength focused barbell workout for anyone looking to shape and tone! This class utilizes body weight, dumbbell, kettlebell and of course, barbell, to target and challenge all muscle groups. This class is not only a great introduction to a weightlifting workout but also a great routine to maintain or gain!

Suspension: A unique body weight based workout that targets your core like no other! This class utilizes straps with handles and foot cradles to leverage body weight against gravity, targeting and toning all major muscle groups. Torch calories and improve core strength and stability with us in this group fitness class..